Preventing Falls Will Keep You On Your Feet


Medfirst Homecare DME Rentals New York City


Although Prevention is Key, Accidents Will Happen

While we all do our best to avoid tripping, sometimes we stumble and catch ourselves before we fall. You may think you’re never going to fall, but we all know someone who has. The good news is, most falls are preventable, and there are steps you can take to lessen the probability you’ll be affected.

A balance or exercise program can help you build stability and strength, as well as flexibility. Finding a friend to join you makes it more likely you’ll continue as well as make it more fun.

Don’t be reluctant to tell your doctor if you’ve had a fall, or are concerned you might be prone to falling. Your physician can assess your risk of falling. Discuss medications you’re taking with your pharmacist or doctor. They know what prescriptions and over-the-counter medications can increase the risk of falling.

Be sure to have your vision and hearing checked annually. Your eyes and ears are not only key to keeping you on your feet, they actually work together to help you keep your balance.

Keep your home and work space safe by removing any items which may cause you to trip. Having proper lighting in all areas is important, but especially on stairways.

In the bathroom, make sure you have an adequate bath mat, and installing a grab bar in the shower can provide inexpensive protection from a slip on a wet surface. Many types of non-skid slippers designed to wear in the bathroom are also available for a very reasonable price.

It is important to have a conversation with your family or roommates to raise awareness of factors which can lead to a fall in your home or apartment. This is a very simple step which can help keep everyone safe.

Senior Citizens At Higher Risk

Falls are not a normal part of aging, yet fall related injuries send seniors to the doctor’s office, hospital emergency room or urgent care every day. The National Council on Aging estimates 1 in 3 Americans over the age of 65 falls every year.

Learn more about preventing falls by clicking here.


Medfirst Homecare Rents Durable Home Medical Equipment in the New York City Metropolitan Area

Mobility Equipment For Rent in Bergen County, NJ

Every day, someone gets a call from a hospital or urgent care facility to inform a friend or family member that a loved one has suffered a fall or accident. Although the patient is safe and won’t require a stay in the hospital, they will need some type of assistance in the form of durable home medical equipment in order to recover at home. Wheelchairs, walkers, home hospital beds, ramps and stair lifts are prime examples of medical equipment which can be needed quickly, and before the patient can return home.

If you reside in the New York City metropolitan area and find yourself needing home medical equipment to address the needs of a loved one, Medfirst Homecare has you covered.

Visit their rental store at Rent It Today to check out their selection of durable home medical equipment available for rental. Medfirst Homecare serves customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in keeping with the demands of the city that never sleeps. Prompt delivery is available. The length of your rental can be totally customized to meet your specific needs.

You may visit Medfirst Homecare’s website by clicking here. Or call 866-633-6909.


image: Ohio Dept. of Aging


About Bob Schrichte

Robert Bob Schrichte is a graduate of Ohio State University with a B.A. in Journalism and a minor in Communications. Bob’s background is in both sales and writing. He enjoys spoiling a good walk in the woods by bringing along his golf bag.

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