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Dallas Camping Tent Rentals-2 Person Free Standing Tent-Texas Camping Gear Rental
Texas Camping Tent Rentals-3 Person Family Tent-Dallas Camping Gear
Texas Camping Tent Rentals-6 Person Family Tent-Dallas Camping Gear Rentals
Dallas Camping Tent Rental-2 Person Backpacking Tent-Texas Camping Gear Rentals
Big tents for families. Little tents for the weight-conscious ounce-counter. In-between tents for the rest of us. They've got them all, but not so many as to get you confused with too many choices. LowerGear Outdoor Rentals and Sales feature a few select, high quality tents by MSR, Kelty, Alps Mountaineering, Marmot and Sierra Designs. All tents are shipped to you clean, with no smells, tears or holes, and are easy to setup. All tents are already seam-sealed, so if it rains, you will stay dry. These tents are much better quality than the cheapies you find a sporting goods store and at most rental outlets. LowerGear Outdoor Rentals and Sales is one member of the world's largest online outdoor gear and gadget rental company family. They rent all the camping gear basics such as tents and backpacks; hard to find rental gear like water filters & trekking poles; and handheld GPS units for trail use and geocaching events. They also sell a few camping supplies and incidentals to go along with their rental gear.
Texas Camping Tent Rentals-Screened Tent-Dallas Camping Gear Rentals
Tent rentals in Dallas, TX. This tent is not recommended for overnight camping as it has no floor. This classic screen tent is intended for day use to keep out bugs, sun and rain at a camping, picnic or beach site. LowerGear offers high quality tent rentals by MSR, Kelty, Alps Mountaineering, Marmot and Sierra Designs. Big tents for families. Little tents for the weight-conscious ounce-counter. In-between tents for the rest of us. They've got them all. Rent camping and backpacking gear like backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, gps systems and much more in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, University Park, Irving, Balch Springs, Duncanville, Farmers Branch, Mesquite, and all of Texas.
It has 2 doors for easy entry/exit and a sod cloth that runs around the bottom perimeter to keep the crawling nasties out. Mesh windows on all 4 sides have drop-down shades for privacy, sun and rain protection.
Big tents for families. Little tents for the weight-conscious ounce-counter. In-between tents for the rest of us. They've got them all, but not so many as to get you confused with too many choices. LowerGear Outdoor Rentals and Sales feature a few select, high quality tents by MSR, Kelty, Alps Mountaineering, Marmot and Sierra Designs. All tents are shipped to you clean, with no smells, tears or holes, and are easy to setup. All tents are already seam-sealed, so if it rains, you will stay dry. These tents are much better quality than the cheapies you find a sporting goods store and at most rental outlets.
It is light to carry at about 17 pounds, and super easy to set up this shelter can allow comfortable picnicking even in the buggy woods of Minnesota during the summer. The floor size is about 12’ x 12’, with a maximum interior height of about 7’.
From their facility in Tempe, Arizona they meet the needs of the family-of-four; the solo long distance hiker; or a group of hundreds going on a camping retreat anywhere in the country. They ship camping gear directly to you at any location you specify. Use it, enjoy it, re-box it and drop it off at a nearby UPS Store or other UPS authorized shipping center. Find anything you need for camping, backpacking and more from LowerGear, they have a complete outdoor rental gear selection. They also sell camping and outdoor supply basics so you can get all you need from just one source. Rent camping and backpacking gear like backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, gps systems and much more in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, University Park, Irving, Balch Springs, Duncanville, Farmers Branch, Mesquite, and all of Texas.
For additional information you can view this item at LowerGear-Dallas Camping Equipment or you can use the contact form below.
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