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Arizona Camping Tent Rentals-3 Person Family Tent-Tempe Camping Gear
Louisiana Camping Tent Rentals-3 Person Family Tent-New Orleans Camping Gear
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LowerGear Outdoor Rentals and Sales is one member of the world's largest online outdoor gear and gadget rental company family. They rent all the camping gear basics such as tents and backpacks; hard to find rental gear like water filters & trekking poles; and handheld GPS units for trail use and geocaching events. They also sell a few camping supplies and incidentals to go along with their rental gear.
Manchester Backpacking Gear Rental-Animal Resistant Food Containers For Rent-New Hampshire Camping Equipment Rentals
Bear Canister rentals in Manchester, NH. When traveling in bear country, the number one precaution you can take is keeping your food inaccessible to bears. LowerGear offers backpacking accessories and camping supplies that are required for a comfortable and successful camping. There is more to a camping trip than just backpack, tents, sleeping bags and such. They offer the entire spectrum of gear you need for a pleasant backpacking or camping trip in Manchester, Nashua, Concord, Rochester, Dover, Derry, Keene, Portsmouth, Laconia, Claremont, Lebanon, Somersworth and all of New Hampshire.
One oft-mentioned precaution is hanging food from trees in just a certain way. Unfortunately, that certain way requires time-consuming engineering skills to outsmart the bears, and just isn’t practical in a lot of areas. While many campgrounds have on-site bear-proof boxes, trips to the real backcountry require carrying your own protection.
The solution? Carry one of these simple, but very effective bear canisters to store your food and scented things in at night. Ranger- or park policy mandated in many areas with heavy bear populations, our canisters have long-proven reliability with backpackers. It’s also the perfect item to rent for those hikers who simply don’t spend that much time in bear country. Or, you can buy one from their rental inventory for just $59; it won't be brand new, but looks just like a new one will after the first use - a few scratches are inevitable.
The Garcia Backpackers Cache model is made of tough ABS material with rounded edges, and will withstand even the most determined bear’s efforts to get inside of it. Unless the bear has a screwdriver or coin to unlock the stainless steel lock, it will eventually lose interest in it and move on to look for something else to eat that’s a lot less trouble. The canister weights about 2.75 pounds, and is about 9” in diameter. It will fit inside most backpacks; just put your food in it while carrying it to minimize the amount of space occupied in your pack. You can also put it in a storage sack that is equipped for attachment to the outside of your pack. Most reviews say it hold about 6 days of food for one person, but it depends of course on how much food you need per day and whether or not you are using original packaging. We also have two models in the BearVault line – these are made of a see-thru plastic and work off the same concept as a child-proof lid. One holds about 4 days of food; the other about seven days worth. You can specify any preference when you select your rental period. If you're not heading into bear country but need to protect your food from small animals and rodents, check out the Outsak
Bear Canisters For Rent – Animal-Resistant Food Containers Rentals
When traveling in bear country, the number one precaution you can take is keeping your food inaccessible to bears. That is after all, what they are interested in - there’s no research yet that suggests they think we humans taste like chicken, but they definitely like trail mix, energy bars and the other tasty things we tend to carry in our packs. And a little nighttime raid into camp can be the perfect time for a bear to enjoy some of your food if you don’t take precautions.
One oft-mentioned precaution is hanging food from trees in just a certain way. Unfortunately, that certain way requires time-consuming engineering skills to outsmart the bears, and just isn’t practical in a lot of areas. While many campgrounds have on-site bear-proof boxes, trips to the real backcountry require carrying your own protection.
From their facility in Tempe, Arizona they meet the needs of the family-of-four; the solo long distance hiker; or a group of hundreds going on a camping retreat anywhere in the country. They ship camping gear directly to you at any location you specify. Use it, enjoy it, re-box it and drop it off at a nearby UPS Store or other UPS authorized shipping center. Find anything you need for camping, backpacking and more from LowerGear, they have a complete outdoor rental gear selection. They also sell camping and outdoor supply basics so you can get all you need from just one source. Rent camping and backpacking gear like backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, gps systems and much more in Manchester, Nashua, Concord, Rochester, Dover, Derry, Keene, Portsmouth, Laconia, Claremont, and all of New Hampshire.
For additional information you can view this item at LowerGear-New Hampshire Camping Equipment or you can use the contact form below.
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