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Arizona Camping Tent Rentals-3 Person Family Tent-Tempe Camping Gear
Louisiana Camping Tent Rentals-3 Person Family Tent-New Orleans Camping Gear
Pennsylvania Camping Tent Rentals-3 Person Family Tent-Philadelphia Camping Gear
Vermont Camping Tent Rentals-3 Person Family Tent-Burlington Camping Gear
Don't forget the other important camping equipment needed when camping and hiking outdoors. LowerGear has Sleeping Bags For Rent, Camping Cookware For Rent, Camping Tent Rentals, Pocket Rocket Stove Burners, Camping Lanterns, Backpack Rentals, GPS Navigation Units For Rent, Mattress Pads, Two Way Radios, Hiking Poles, Bear Canisters and much more camping equipment rentals. LowerGear provides camping equipment rentals in Colorado. Meeting the needs of campers throughout every national park, state park, and camping site throughout the country. In Colorado they meet the backpacking needs of renters in state parks such as Eleven Mile State Park, Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area, Highline Lake State Park, Navajo State Park, State Forest State Park, Mueller State Park, Golden Gate Canyon State Park, Eldorado Canyon State Park, Barr Lake State Park and Lory State Park.
Denver Camping Equipment Rentals-Ultralight Camping Tent For Rent-Colorado Backpacking Tent Rental
One Person Ultralight Tent For Rent available across Colorado. Renting Camping Equipment like Thermarest Mattress Pads, Cooking Stoves, Hydration Gear Rentals and more. Rent Camping Backpacking Tent Denver, CO
Tent - 1 Person Ultralight Tent for Backpacking
This relatively ultralight tent is only recommended for experienced backpackers. It is slightly more finicky to put up than some of our other tents as it depends on trekking poles for support instead of the typical tent poles, but if you want to shave a few pounds off your pack weight, this is the way to go. There’s plenty of room in it, and you’ll stay clear of the elements.
Part of the weight-savings is due to being single-walled as opposed to having a tent body and separate fly setup that most of our tents feature. If it rains for a long time at night, single-walled tents can be prone to inside condensation unless the tent is setup to be well ventilated. So we wouldn’t recommend sleeping in one of these with a down sleeping bag in rainy season in the East for example. There is no need to go with this model if you are car camping, unless you just want to see what all the fuss is about ultralight gear.
For additional information you can view this item at LowerGear-Colorado Camping And Backpacking Equipment or you can use the contact form below.
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