Multi Imager-Dallas TX

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Surgical supplies in Dallas, TX. Multi Imager Rentals provides hospital equipment and surgical technology for hospitals and doctors in Texas. They provide many different medical rental services to meet the needs of any medical facility such as Anesthesia Services, Biomedical Services, Medical Gas Services, Surgical Supplies, Hospital Equipment and more. They provide renting, leasing, purchasing and refurbished medical equipment options for anesthesia systems, OR tables, OR lights, ESUs, Patient Monitors, Defibrillators and more in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, University Park, Irving, Balch Springs, Duncanville, Farmers Branch, and all of Texas.

Multi Imager-Dallas TX Rental Listings

Healthcare Rentals

Lease GE OEC 9900 C-Arm

Surgical C-Arm rentals in Dallas, TX. The GE OEC 9900 C-Arm is available to rent in both refurbished and new conditions, and offers a great alternative to buying a new system from GE. The 9900 is the latest system out of GE Healthcare and offers new features not found on any of the previous models. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this C-Arm rental in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Ziehm Vision C-Arm For Rent

Texas C-Arm Rental-Ziehm Vision C-Arm For Rent-Dallas Surgical Imaging Equipment

Ziehm Surgical C-Arm rentals in Dallas, TX. The Ziehm Vision C-Arm Rental is unique in the fact that it offers Ziehm’s new flat panel image intensifier on the Vision FD model, while the Vision R model only has standard image intensifier. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this C-Arm rental in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Lease Philips BV Endura C-Arm

Surgical C-Arm rentals in Dallas, TX. The Philips BV Endura C-Arm is perfect for general fluoroscopy and vascular specialization, the BV Endura helps you clearly view dynamic images in surgery. Designed to improve your workflow, this versatile system has many beneficial characteristics. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this C-Arm rental in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Texas Medical Equipment Rentals - Surgical C-Arm Rental - Dallas Hospital Supplies For Rent

Texas Medical Equipment Rentals - Surgical C-Arm Rental - Dallas Hospital Supplies For Rent

Mobile Surgical C-Arm Rental in Dallas, Texas. Equipped MDspecializes in surgical equipment for rent. We carry surgical tools, utlrasound equipment, & mobile surgical c-arms. We service Dallas, Fort Worth, and all of Texas . Lease Hospital Equipment

Orthoscan HD Mini C-Arm

Mini Surgical C-Arm rentals in Dallas, TX. The OrthoScan HD Mini C‑Arm is half the size and 28% lighter than the competition. The smaller size facilitates ease of movement and improves maneuverability. This imaging detection system puts control back in the surgeon’s hands, making a difference in the experience for every user. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this C-Arm rental in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Surgical C-Arm For Rent

Mini Surgical C-Arm rental in Dallas, TX. The OEC 6800 is a perfect fit for sports medicine, orthopedics, and veterinary medicine. As the first Mini C-Arm to use 1Kx1K imaging and a touch screen interface, the OEC 6800 provides many of the components of a full sized system at a fraction of the cost. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this C-Arm rental in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Fluoroscan Premier Mini C-Arm

Mini Surgical C-Arm rental in Dallas, TX. The Fluoroscan Premier is the most advanced technology available in the Mini C-Arm market, giving you the most features for your money yet at a huge savings. This fully digital system has Dual Hi-Bright Monitors, 4 Image Mosaic, 2000 image storage capability, and a thermal-graphic printer. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this C-Arm rental in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Lease Surgical Tables in Dallas

Surgical table rentals in Dallas, TX. The Urology C-Arm Surgical Table is an ideal choice for image-guided procedures. The narrow Fiberesin tabletop is cantilevered to accommodate portable or ceiling suspended C-Arms. Radiolucent areas are free of cross members, allowing full fluoroscopic visualization and unobstructed C-Arm positioning. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this surgical table in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Lease STI Economax Imaging Table

Imaging table rental in Dallas, TX. The EconoMAX series of imaging tables use a cantilevered (diving board) style design without the bellows. The "H" style base offers maximum C-Arm clearance along the entire cantilevered length. The EconoMAX tables come standard with 500 pound load rating, dual lifting columns, 2" patient pad, 22" wide top and more. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this surgical table in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Amsco 3085 SP Surgical Table For Rent

Surgical table rentals in Dallas, TX. The Amsco 3085 General Surgical Table is the most reliable and popular surgical table. Trusted for years the 3085 is a cost-effective solution for the general OR. The Amsco 3085 SP Table offers the same quality, reliability, and flexibility you expect in surgical equipment. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this surgical table in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Dallas Medical Imaging Table For Rent

Brachytherapy C-Arm table rentals in Dallas, TX. The narrow Fiberesin tabletop of the Brachytherapy C-Arm Table Model 810 is cantilevered to accommodate portable or ceiling suspended C-Arms. Radiolucent areas are free of cross members, allowing full fluoroscopic visualization and unobsructed C-Arm positioning. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this surgical table in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Lease PM-9000 Express Mindray Monitor

Patient Monitoring System rentals in Dallas, TX. The PM-9000 Express is a robust patient monitor, small enough to move around, yet flexible enough to adapt to your particular needs. With a variety of optional extras, including arrhythmia and ST analysis, EtCO2 measurement and multi-gas analysis, PM-9000 Express is configurable to suit your requirements. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this C-Arm rental in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Vital Sign Mindray VS800 Patient Monitor Rental

Vital Sign Monitoring System rentals in Dallas, TX. VS-800 is a compact, easy-to-use vital signs monitor designed to satisfy your basic monitoring requirements. Suitable for adult, pediatric and neonatal patients, VS-800 is well-adapted for any department where quick, reliable physiological measurements are required. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this C-Arm rental in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

Mindray PM50 Monitor Rental

Patient Monitoring System rentals in Dallas, TX. The PM-50 is a miniature, lightweight device designed exclusively for spot-check monitoring of SpO2 and pulse rate. Weighing less than 200g, this device is easy to carry, easy to store, and equips you with just what you need to get the job done. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment like this C-Arm rental in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

KenQuest Logo

Looking to add some more equipment to your surgical center, clinic or hospital but don’t have the budget to purchase it? KenQuest Medical offers a unique Rent To Own Surgical Suite program unlike anything else out on the market. They offer the ability to equip an entire Operating Room, Recovery Room, Patient Exam Room or Surgical Center with little out of pocket. KenQuest Medical Equipment Rentals is a distributor of surgical equipment in Dallas, Fort Worth, Highland Park, Irving, Texas.

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Medical Equipment