For Seniors, ‘Aging in Place’ at Home is a Realistic Goal

Home Modification and Medical Equipment Rental

AARP Survey Finds 83% of Seniors Prefer  ‘Aging In Place’ in Their Home To Entering an Assisted Care Facility

Between 1945 and 1964 seventy-six million babies were born in the United States. Known collectively as the baby boomer generation, this group began reaching retirement age in 2007.

As the number of senior adults grows, there is an increased need for elder care and many individuals who are faced with this need prefer to have this care provided in their homes. The desire to stay out of a nursing home and remain at home is not only understandable, it is more beneficial both psychologically and economically. There really is no place like home.

A recent AAP survey found 83% of older Americans would prefer to stay in their current residence for the remainder of their lives.

This growing phenomenon in our culture actually has spawned its own terminology. Seniors who elect to remain in their homes for as long as possible are said to be ‘aging in place’. There is no reason why most seniors can’t effectively accomplish this goal, and home health care has become the focus of businesses which enable this to happen.

What is Aging In Place?

Successful aging in place essentially refers to a senior’s ability to live in the environment they desire. Meeting their needs has spawned a large and growing industry which rents durable medical equipment for use in the home including mobility scooters, wheelchairs, and the ramps which allow this equipment to negotiate stairways.

As you or a loved one age, physical limitations often develop which is a normal part of the aging process. These limitations sometimes require home modifications to adapt living spaces so independence can be safely maintained. Examples of modifications range from simple changes like replacing doorknobs with pull handles to installing wheelchair ramps or stair lifts. These types of modifications allow you or a loved one to age with dignity while remaining in both comfortable and familiar surroundings.

One of the biggest challenges facing individuals who prefer to stay in their homes is how to navigate stairways. A stair lift is a device designed to transport persons who have difficulty climbing or descending stairs.

Based in Lexington, KY,  Gould’s Discount Medical specializes in Stair Lift installations of every description: Straight, Curved, and Custom Stair Lifts for both indoor and outdoor applications.


About Bob Schrichte

Robert Bob Schrichte is a graduate of Ohio State University with a B.A. in Journalism and a minor in Communications. Bob’s background is in both sales and writing. He enjoys spoiling a good walk in the woods by bringing along his golf bag.

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2 thoughts on “For Seniors, ‘Aging in Place’ at Home is a Realistic Goal

  • jeena smith

    I don’t want to leave my home and don’t want to shift into a nursing home because nothing can beat the feeling of living in my own home. In a recent research it has been proved that those elderly who live at home are more likely to be active in comparison to those who live in a nursing home.

  • Patrick Allen

    Great read! I would be the same way in aging at my “home” instead of a random place called home. Accessible Home Solutions looks to be making this possible for aging seniors.