Amazon Now Offering Printed Textbook Rentals

Textbooks For Rent from

Renting textbooks is not a new concept. Renting printed textbooks from, however, is a new offering. On August 6, 2012, Amazon officially announced the launch of “Amazon Textbook Rental.”

For years, Amazon has provided users the ability to download books to their Kindle. This process has even been referenced as “renting textbooks for your Kindle.” The difference with Amazon’s new textbook rental program is instead of a download, you will receive an actual printed textbook in the mail.

Funny cartoon about high text book costs by Jeff Stahler in The Columbus Dispatch.

Are Your Textbook Prices Overwhelming?

Amazon states a savings of up to 70% when you rent textbooks instead of buying them. Other perks of the program include free return shipping, options to purchase at any time, extensions if the book is needed for longer than the 130 day rental arrangement, and you can even make minimal notations throughout the textbook without any extra fees.

There are instances in which the renter will be required to pay full price of the textbook. Those situations include the book not being returned after already being provided an extension, if there is an excessive amount of notations or highlighting on the pages, water damage, and even book odor from smoking.

Are you a college student that would be interested in renting text books through Amazon’s new program? Leave a comment, Rent It Today would love to hear what you think…

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2 thoughts on “Amazon Now Offering Printed Textbook Rentals

  • Patrick Allen

    Being a recent GRAD I know that I would have loved this option during my college days. Not having to worry about only getting $50 back on a $200 purchase for A book for the semester is a game changer for a college student. I know, in my mind, I would be thinking, “Saving 70% on books per semester will give me soooo much extra cash for ‘extracurricular activities’.”