Don’t Put a Hole in Your Wallet – Rent a Casket, & Rest in Peace

Casket Rentals Available for Your Loved Ones

An Attempt at Making Light of a Difficult Time

I’ve been dying to share a bit of news I found during one of my daily current event web surfs. Would you bereave, I mean believe, you now have the ability to rent a casket? It’s true! No more coffin up the big bucks for a casket that will only be seen by visitors paying their respects for a very limited time. You can just go ahead and bury that concept six feet under. The newest undertaking in the funeral business is to borrow a casket for the viewing, then replace your loved ones final burial chamber with one that is less expensive.

Casket Costs

Further research led me to discover the average cost of a funeral is $7,000+ these days, with the casket typically making up about 1/3 of that cost. A “good” casket can cost upwards of $10,000 alone! Not that it will matter much to me in the end, but I was curious to learn what constitutes a good casket. Your Jeopardy inspired fun fact for this blog post is……a good $10,000 casket is made of mahogany, bronze, or copper, includes velvet interior, intricate designs, ornate hardware, and a gasket to ensure a tight seal.

Memorialization Ideas

It goes without saying that renting a casket is an efficient way to spend your money for an already expensive situation. While dealing with a loss, you shouldn’t have to endure extra stress and worry about the amount of money being spent and whether or not you can afford it. With the money saved, you can either rest assured or memorialize your loved one in a more personal and permanent manner including any of the following:

  • Create a garden pond with an engraved stepping stone situated amongst beautiful flowers and plants.
  • Make a donation to a favored charity or organization of the deceased.
  • Purchase a memorial pendant if your loved one ultimately chose to be cremated after viewing.
  • Devote a corner of your living space to the memory of the person lost with pictures in beautiful frames, candles, and any other items that remind you of that person.
  • Throw a celebration in the departed’s honor, including activities that promote the sharing of positive memories, smiles, and laughter. Videotape the event, and watch it when you are feeling down about your loss.

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