Waste Management and Dumpster Rental For Non-Dummies

Rental Dumpster being filled on Construction Site

Waste management, trash & junk removal, and recycling are prime reasons for renting a dumpster. Commercial construction projects of all sizes as well as home renovations and remodeling create waste and scrap requiring a dumpster rental to keep trash under control, simply because trash cans just do not offer proper capacity.

As a general guideline, there are two basic types of dumpsters available for those who want to rent a dumpster. One is called a front load dumpster and the other is known as a roll off dumpster.

A front load dumpster is collected, moved and emptied by using a front mounted apparatus on the waste removal truck. Some front load dumpsters are mounted on wheels. A roll off dumpster is delivered on the back of a flatbed truck and is then rolled off the truck onto the debris collection site. When the roll off dumpster is filled, it is rolled back on the truck and replaced with another if necessary. These dumpsters are generally stationary due to their large size.

Which Dumpster Rental is Best For You?

Dumpster Rentals for Home Improvement ProjectsSo which rental dumpster is best suited for your application? If you are seeking a long term rental arrangement, a front load dumpster is recommended. Most front load containers are scheduled for weekly service. The dumpster is unloaded into the truck on-site and as such is virtually identical to municipal trash pickup of cans. These dumpsters are the type typically employed at restaurants, apartments, and businesses.

Shorter term rentals and/or projects that generate large amounts of trash such as replacing your roof will most often benefit from the roll off dumpster. As a result building contractors, roofing repair companies, and construction companies often lease roll-off dumpsters. As a rule, roll off dumpsters for rent come in 10, 20, 30 and 40 cubic yard capacities.

10 yard dumpsters are good for smaller projects like cleaning out a residential garage, basement, or removing suburban yard waste or remodeling debris. 20 yard rental dumpsters will accommodate demolition from a 300-400 sq. foot deck, or 2500-3000 square feet of roofing material. 30 and 40 yard dumpsters are designed for allowing waste management for large jobs like demolition or major construction. These are the dumpsters you see situated on building construction sites or if an entire structure is being razed.

Go Green and Rent A Dumpster for Recycling!

Many waste products may be recycled using dumpsters. In some areas the recyclable items are required to be individually separated to qualify for recycling. Examples of items which can be recycled include brick and cinder blocks, asphalt,  cardboard and paper, concrete slabs and debris, scrap metal, and wood.  Dumpsters from rental companies recycling are perfect for large and/or sustained recycling initiatives. Check with your local dumpster provider to learn about stipulations regarding recycling and what parameters must be met to properly recycle materials for waste management.

Ask The Experts About Your Dumpster Rental Application and Local Waste Removal Regulations

Roll Off Dumpster Rental Delivered If you are a novice when it comes to estimating the proper sized dumpster you will need to rent, or even if you are a frequent dumpster renter, container rental businesses are always willing to offer their expertise and recommendation for your application. They realize the value of repeat rental business as well as word of mouth recommendation, and will help you get the right dumpster for your job.

It is wise to check with local municipalities as well as the dumpster rental company to learn if there are any restrictions on materials which can be placed in your rental dumpster. Dumpster rental providers will have information regarding the National laws and local regulations concerning the removal of waste.

The best surprise is no surprise and your dumpster rental provider is a good source of information when you need to rent a dumpster.

If you need to rent heavy machinery for demolition, material handling, hauling, loading, or any type of job-site application , please search Rent It Today’s comprehensive selection of Construction Equipment Rentals.

About Bob Schrichte

Robert Bob Schrichte is a graduate of Ohio State University with a B.A. in Journalism and a minor in Communications. Bob’s background is in both sales and writing. He enjoys spoiling a good walk in the woods by bringing along his golf bag.

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3 thoughts on “Waste Management and Dumpster Rental For Non-Dummies

  • George Ellis

    Size is the most important factor in case of a dumpster rental. Getting it based upon the materials that you’re planning to dispose should also be considered.

  • Eric Blaise

    Interesting article, I am going to have to find a provider when I start moving out of my apartment. It looks like you facilitate things and since I have a lot to throw out, do you happen to have services in the Toronto area?

  • JameelJo

    I cannot agree with you more.  Renting garbage bins is really easy to do.  It’s not complicated and it helps the environment.