Medical Imaging Rental Provider KenQuest Medical is Now Quest Imaging Solutions

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KenQuest Medical, specializing in medical imaging equipment throughout North America, announced February 21st the company will now conduct business with a new name: Quest Imaging Solutions.

The change reflects the company’s evolution from a C-arm sales, rentals and maintenance provider, to a larger focus encompassing other aspects of the medical imaging equipment business, including programs designed to equip an entire Operating Room, Recovery Room, Patient Exam Room and/or complete Surgical Center with little out of pocket and no credit qualifications.

Quest Imaging Solutions Sells, Rents, and Services New and Refurbished Medical Imaging Equipment including C-arms, Ultrasound Machines and X-ray Machines, Imaging Tables, etc.

Additional aspects include ultrasound machines, imaging tables, pain & O.R. tables, surgical tables, exam tables, x-ray machines, monitors, surgical instruments, digital image capture devices, operating room lights, stainless steel accessories (mayo stands, kick buckets, stools, etc), sterilization equipment, and more.

“Since we have transitioned from being a provider of almost exclusively C-arms into offering a variety of products within the imaging space, we thought it was time our name reflected our expanding capabilities,” said Ryan Switz, chief commercial officer at Quest Imaging Solutions.

Quest Imaging Solutions will continue as a wholesale provider of imaging equipment throughout North America, with one of the largest inventories of in-stock new, and used/refurbished equipment available for rent, lease, and sale.

For additional information and to view the press release please click here.

Or you can contact Quest Imaging Solutions at: 888-316-2205

About Bob Schrichte

Robert Bob Schrichte is a graduate of Ohio State University with a B.A. in Journalism and a minor in Communications. Bob’s background is in both sales and writing. He enjoys spoiling a good walk in the woods by bringing along his golf bag.

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