Photo via snowbrains.com
Well, winter is here, which means it’s time to throw on that winter coat, dust off those skis, and hit the slopes. To make sure you make it back home in one piece after a day of shredding, we’ve shared a list of tips from Dr. Theodore Shybut at Baylor College of Medicine below.
Shybut says that skiers are most likely to suffer MCL and ACL injuries in their knees or skier’s thumb – the thumb gets jammed against the pole handle – while snowboarders most commonly experience wrist sprains and fractures due to the way they fall. Most injuries, he says, are related to falls and collisions.
Below are Shybut’s recommendations to avoid injuries. These tips originally appeared in the Houston Chronicle.
Before going on a ski trip, undertake a core stability and strengthening program to develop stable posture and endurance, which can help prevent falls.
Perform an easy warm-up run every morning, gradually increasing intensity, just as you would warm up for other sports activities. Make sure you are warmed up before tackling expert terrain.
Monitor your fatigue level and don’t save the most challenging run for the end of the day when your muscles are worn out. You may be increasing the risk of injury.
Be aware of the level of difficulty of the terrain, which can vary considerably from one mountain to another. Take runs that are appropriate for your ability – if you’re not an expert, skiing on the steepest, most difficult run at a resort you’re not familiar with is probably a bad idea. Expert terrain often contains unmarked obstacles.
Wear proper equipment – talk to someone who is knowledgeable and who can size your skis and boots appropriately and set your bindings. For those who own skis, make sure you maintain equipment. Everyone should wear protective head equipment.
Wear moisture-wicking fabrics and dress in layers – wearing appropriate clothing helps prevent cold injury and skin blisters.
Be aware that the sun is more intense at high altitudes and there is a more intense reflection of rays, so wear sunscreen and proper equipment to protect your eyes from the sun.
Stay properly nourished and hydrated.
Where Can You Rent Snowboards and Skis?
Ready to hit the slopes but don’t have the necessary gear? Rent It Today can help! The most comprehensive rental resource online, Rent It Today can connect you to some of the top retailers for rental winter sports equipment – including skis,snowboards, snowmobiles, and more – in the country. For more information or to search for rental sporting equipment, visit www.rentittoday.com.