Here’s a Handful of Social Media Tips to Help Grow Your Business

Social media tips for small businesses

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For many small businesses, social media is not just an important tool, but also a lifeline. For little to no cost, business owners can reach new customers and keep their current clients in the loop. Through channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Vine, business owners can share videos and photos of new products, post important announcements, and interact with their followers. Unfortunately, there are also some downsides to using social media.

To help you deal with the negative aspects of social media, we shared a few tips from Faten Alshazly of WeUsThem Inc. which originally appeared in The Globe and Mail. Good luck!


Be honest

Try not to stray from the conversation you are looking to have with your consumers. Alshazly says that many business owners use their business accounts as personal accounts and comment on “politics, community happenings, policies, and other issues that should not be in the voice of the business.” She recommends always keeping social engagement and corporate engagement separate.



You are going to get negative feedback

If you do, Alshazly says, do not block individuals from commenting or voicing an opinion. Be respectful, she says, and try to engage them in meaningful dialogue that can be continued offline. If you’ve tried to engage and offer assistance to someone who is “creating noise” and are not getting anywhere, the best strategy may be just to leave them.



Careful what you post on your social accounts, especially photographs

Sharing intellectual property, designs, ideas, photographs, or information on product launches prematurely “can have dire consequences for the company,” Alshazly says, so be careful. The wrong post at the wrong time could be catastrophic for your plans. If there’s anything objectionable about your personal posts, refrain from posting them. Actually, if it’s personal period you should think twice before posting it and tying it with your business model.



Hacking can happen

We have found that social networks protect access quite well. If your accounts are hacked, be transparent about what has happened and apologize, says Alshazly. To avoid such issues, update your passwords regularly. Using the same password for multiple accounts is a quick way to getting hacked, too.



Be relevant, don’t just be noise

Don’t overload a newsfeed with posts just to meet a daily quota, says Alshazly. Instead, engage customers with information they want. The production line mentality in social media can cause derision among followers who are numb from post overload.

Invest in Your Social Media Strategy with Rent It Today

Social media is essential to a thriving small business. Rent It Today can get your company set-up as a legitimate competitor in the social media marketing world with our Social Media Packages. We offer three packages: Starter, Professional, and Professional Plus. Features include monthly blog posts and daily posts from the mainstream social media networks such as Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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