4 Things To Remember Before Riding Your Motorcycle

What to know before riding a motorcycle

Photo via wisconsintrails.com

From the changing colors to the cooler temperatures, fall is one of the best times of the year to hop on the back of a motorcycle and hit the open road. Before you set out on your next adventure, however, there are a few things to remember. Below, we’ve shared a short list of these tips, courtesy of the Utah Department of Public Safety (UDPS). Have fun out there!

  1. Know your boundaries. Small mistakes on motorcycle can have big consequences, says the UDPS. The best riders know that riding skills are perishable, so they continue to learn and improve. That’s important to know because over the past five years, 72 percent of motorcycle fatalities in Utah were associated with rider error. If you’re planning on riding, learn proper braking techniques through a local riding class or course (and plenty of practice).
  2. Wear the right gear. Your gear is your only defense against injury in a crash, says the UDPS. Everything on the road, from trees to signs, is a threat, so quality gear is a necessity. Helmets can reduce the risk of death by 37 percent and head injury by 69 percent. You should also wear bright clothing and a light-colored helmet to help other drivers see you on the road.
  3. Ride to live. Ride to live – that is with the right skills, strategies, gear and attitude. You should also be aware of external elements – loose gravel, wet pavement or leaves – which can affect your ride. Additionally, you should ride defensively and assume that others on the road don’t see you. Keep an eye out for deer and other wildlife and always drive sober. You should also check your tire pressure regularly. A tire’s pressure can affect your bike’s ability to stop and corner.
  4. Think of the people waiting for you to come home. Riding a motorcycle is freeing, but it’s important to always keep in mind those people who are depending on you to come home, says the UDPS.

Rent the Gear You Need and Motorcycle You Want with RIT

Ready to hop on a hog and set out for the Red River Gorge or take a road trip through the Great Smokey Mountains on the back of Harley but don’t have a motorcycle of your own? No worries! Rent It Today can help! The most comprehensive rental resource online, Rent It Today provides listings of all rental motorcycles and riding equipment in your area or near your destination. Whether you’re looking for a street, sport or dirt bike, Rent It Today can help you find the perfect bike for your next adventure.

For more information, visit www.rentittoday.com.


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