Several times on this very same blog, we’ve talked about the high cost of exhibiting at trade shows and the best ways to save money while getting the most bang for your buck. In a recent article for, writer J.J. Anderson wrote about the importance of investing in digital marketing strategies to extend your reach and better connect with potential clients and customers. Below, we’ve summarized a few of his tips on maximizing ROI. Good luck!
- Use Pay-Per-Click Advertising to Bid on Trade Show-Related Search Queries: One easy-to-implement way exhibitors can market before the trade show, according to Anderson, is to use pay-per-click advertising which allows them to bid on trade show-related search queries and place ads in the search results. Anderson says that because most people go online to register and get information on trade shows, this a perfect way to boost a company’s visibility to trade show attendees.
- Engage with trade show attendees via Twitter and LinkedIn: Anderson says that one of the best ways to personally connect and stay in contact with attendees is to follow them on Twitter or connect with them on LinkedIn. You can also use trade show hashtags to interact with fellow exhibitors and attendees throughout the event.
- Take advantage of marketing opportunities offered by the trade show: According to Anderson, most trade shows collect attendee contact information and will offer it to exhibitors for a certain price. In his opinion, the ROI is worth the extra cost and will help you keep pace with competitors who are likely doing the same thing.
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