How to Wow Your Friends While Sitting Around the Campfire


Friends Gathered Around Campfire

If you’re willing to brave the cold, winter is a great time to get your friends together for a camping trip. Whether you are roughing it in a tent or spreading out in a log cabin, chances are you’ll be huddled around a campfire at some point while you’re away. Want to wow your friends with some nifty campfire cooking skills? We thought so. To help you step up your game, we’ve shared a few tips from the pros at below. Happy Trails!

  1. Wrap Meat, Cheese, or Freshly Caught Fish in Wild Leaves: Add a little fresh flavor to your food by wrapping fish, meat, or cheese in banana, reed, or grape leaves or corn husks. Simply overlap the leaves around the food and tie some wet twine around it to hold it all together. Then, place it above the coals or next to the fire. The leaves will help the food steam and protect it from burning.
  2. Boil Water in a Paper Cup: Because paper will not burn until 451 degrees (and because water will not get any hotter than 212 degrees in its liquid form), you can literally boil water in a Dixie cup. Simply fill the cup with water and put it directly on the coals of the fire. When it starts to boil, carefully pick it upthrow in some hot cocoa. The water will prevent the cup from burning.
  3. Cook an Egg in an Orange Peel: Grab an orange, cut it in half, and carve out the flesh from both sides, being careful not to pierce the skin. Then, crack an egg or two into each of the orange peels and drop them into a loose bed of coals. When the whites of the egg set up, take the peels out of the coal and enjoy.

Where to Rent Camping Gear in Denver, Colorado?

The Rocky Mountains are beautiful this time of year. Perfect place to gather with some friends and have a good old campfire. Find camping equipment rentals through Rent It Today on your next camping trip to Denver. You won’t be sorry.

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