Tips to Help You Hit It Big at Your Next Trade Show

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If you’ve ever attended a large trade show, you know they can be overwhelming. The crowds, the noise, the buzz – it can be a bit much. Imagine, however, being on the other side of one of the hundreds of booths lining the aisles of the convention center or hotel ballroom. Imagine you’re the one peddling a product or trying to close a sale with a potential customer. What makes you stand out from the pack? What makes your brand or product special?

If you work for a business that relies on trade shows to generate leads and increase exposure, here are a few tips to help boost your trade show results courtesy of the Trade Show News Network’s Mike Thimmesch. Happy selling!

  1. Re-Examine Your Trade Show Schedule: For one reason or another – the quality of the food, your changing tastes, or better options – you probably don’t eat lunch at the same restaurants you did 10 years ago. So why have you spent the last decade attending the same trade shows? Over the last 10 years, your market has changed and most shows have either grown or stagnated. Pick the shows that attract your best customers and mix your show schedule up.
  2. Simplify Your Exhibit Design: Stand out from the hundreds or thousands of other booths on the trade show floor with a display that features large simplified messages and images that are immediately understood by attendees.
  3. Pick Booth Staffers Based on Attitude: According to Thimmesch, “Happy booth staffers will be positive brand ambassadors that create stronger relationships between your company and your customers.”
  4. Choose Promotions That Appeal To Your Target Market: Bribe attendees with promotional items they want and that matter to them personally. Think about what would appeal to them based on their job and demographics. The giveaway could be completely different depending on what your best attendees look like. You’ll likely get just one shot to grab their attention and a few minutes of their time, so make it count.

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