Visit Wright Brothers National Memorial to Celebrate Aviation Day

The Wright Brothers

What better way to celebrate aviation than at a national memorial dedicated to the original maestros of flight: Orville and Wilbur Wright? Monday, August 19 marks National Aviation Day and to commemorate the occasion, Rent It Today will direct you in the right direction as you take your vacation trip to the birthplace of the airplane, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

The Wright Brothers’ story is told through exhibits at the Wright Brothers Visitor Center located at the memorial.  There, you’ll see full-scale replicas of the 1902 and 1903 gliders that cemented the legacy of the Wrights on display. If you plan on staying in the area, there are several rental resources to take advantage of through Rent It Today. Vacation properties, boat rentals, and beach equipment in Kitty Hawk can all be located with a few simple clicks around our user-friendly website.

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One thought on “Visit Wright Brothers National Memorial to Celebrate Aviation Day

  • Kyle Sebree

    How exciting it must’ve been to figure out a way to glide through the air for the first time.