San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94172
California GPS Personal Tracker Rental-SPOT 2 GPS Unit For Rent-San Francisco GPS Tracking Rentals
San Francisco GPS Personal Tracker Rentals-SPOT Connect GPS For Rent-California Personal GPS Personal Tracking Device Rental
California GPS Unit Rental-Garmin eTrex Handheld GPS For Rent-San Francisco GPS Navigation Rentals
San Francisco GPS Unit Rentals-Garmin GPSMAP 60Cx For Rent-California GPS Navigation Rental
LowerGear Outdoor Rentals and Sales is one member of the world's largest online outdoor gear and gadget rental company family. They rent all the camping gear basics such as tents and backpacks; hard to find rental gear like water filters & trekking poles; and handheld GPS units for trail use and geocaching events. They also sell a few camping supplies and incidentals to go along with their rental gear.
San Francisco Backpacking Gear Rentals-GPS Unit For Rent-California Hiking Equipment Rental
GPS Unit Rentals in San Francisco, CA. These lightweight GPS units are small enough to fit in your pocket, but have a large-enough screen to view while driving. Knowing where you are going is important, by renting a gps handheld unit you will stay on track while camping, hiking, hunting, geocaching or on an outdoor activity. They also carry International GPS Unit Rentals for backpacking through Europe or hiking overseas. Rent camping and backpacking gear like backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, gps systems and much more in San Francisco, Sacramento, San Jose, Stockton, Oakland, Santa Rosa, Yuba City, Chico, and all of California
This is a high-quality, well-reviewed product from one of the world’s top manufacturers of GPS units. Their slim-form, lightweight GPS units for travel in the US and Canada are small enough to fit in your pocket for pedestrian travels, but have a large-enough screen to view easily while you’re driving. All have rechargeable batteries, intuitive user-menu choices, and convenient color touch-screen technology.
All voice instructions are clearly audible, can be set for either male or female voice, and are given in English, unless you prefer to read and hear instruction in one of several other languages available. Each GPS offers driving guidance from any Point A to any Point B, giving you at-a-glance valuable information such as:
- Your current location on the map
- Distance and time to your destination
- Distance and instructions for your next turn
- Nearby points of interest such as hotels, gas stations and restaurants
Here’s what you get with your US and Canada GPS unit rental:
- A Garmin or Magellan GPS system embedded with road maps and travel data base for US and Canada
- Windshield mounting bracket
- DC power cord for plug into to car power receptacle
- User guide in print or as web link
- Customer service contact information
- Free technical support from our staff
From their facility in Tempe, Arizona they meet the needs of the family-of-four; the solo long distance hiker; or a group of hundreds going on a camping retreat anywhere in the country. They ship camping gear directly to you at any location you specify. Use it, enjoy it, re-box it and drop it off at a nearby UPS Store or other UPS authorized shipping center. Find anything you need for camping, backpacking and more from LowerGear, they have a complete outdoor rental gear selection. They also sell camping and outdoor supply basics so you can get all you need from just one source. Rent camping and backpacking gear like backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, gps systems and much more in San Francisco, Sacramento, San Jose, Stockton, Oakland, Santa Rosa, Yuba City, Chico, and all of California.
For additional information you can view this item at LowerGear-San Francisco Camping Equipment or you can use the contact form below.
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