Surf Boards Available To Rent In Outer Banks NC


Moneysworth Beach Equipment Rentals-Outer Banks

947 West Kitty Hawk Road
Kitty Hawk, NC 23456
United States

Surf-Board Description

Surf board rental in Outer Banks, NC. Moneysworth Beach Equipment & Linen Rentals offers quality surf boards to enjoy at the beach when you feel like taking on the ocean tides.

Surfboard Features:
-Boards are 7+feet long.
-Tri-fin set up with 6 foot leash for optimal control.
-Made of the same material as high quality boogie boards.
-Hard, slicks bottoms for maximum speed.
-Good for first timers to intermediate.

For additional information you can view this item at Moneysworth Beach Equipment Rentals-Outer Banks or you can use the contact form below.

    Please fill out the contact form for additional questions, availability, and detailed pricing.


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